Short Throw Shifters
So let me get this straight. The general consensus is that B&M is the best, but that it has an annoying rattle, and can cause synchro problems. C's is next in the line, because it shortens the throw and feels better. Nismo shifter is next, since it's basically a stock shifter that has a more solid feel. Then there's the fidanza shifter, which I haven't seen too many opinions on, but it seems to be pretty much the same as the eBay knockoffs. And speaking of which, the eBay knockoffs are crap. Is all that correct? I'm trying to decide what to get. I don't mind spending the extra cash for the B&M, but not if it won't feel like a quality part. (Meaning, it shouldn't rattle to the point of annoyance, and if it does, there better be a way to fix it.)
ne 1 hear sumthing bout cosmos racing short shifter which they sell on egay.
looks like b&m knok-off.
looks like b&m knok-off.
I was shopping around for a short throw shifter and went to a local speed shop. One of the guys there had a B&M shifter and felt great. VERY tight shift pattern. Yes the B&M is a little on the $$$ side. I was able to pick up a used B&M shifter with a Greddy counterweight shift **** for $130.00. Best investment yet for the 240. I also have a B&M shifter in my 03 MINI Cooper S and love it. Ebay shifters are a gamble...IMO....... for B&M shifters...